2. At a minimum, the student would have completed three different courses;
- IPB121 - one IPB level 200 class or level 300 class - one IPB Field Work elective (IPB311, IPB400, IPB425)
3. Fulfill the IPB requirements for the specific internship
E.g. Peer Mediation in school’s internship requires 10 hours of Mediation Labs
4. Approval from the IPB Internship Advisor. The student application process entails;
- An explanation in why you want to do the internship - Exact beginning and end dates of the internship - Describe what exactly the internship role is (detailed tasks, routines, skills needed, etc.)—clerical, office work, grounds keeper, sales, or jobs that do not really match your major do not count toward major internship credit hours - Show how you will incorporate your IPB studies into the internship - Relate how it will help you land a job or boost your marketability after you graduate
5. Procure an Internship Offer Letter from the internship Experience Provider
6. Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between BYU-Hawaii and Experience Provider
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How to Find an Internship
How to Find an Internship
1. Visit Career Services and use their resources
2. Go to YCareer to search established internships online
3. Explore family or personal connections for internships that suit your desired career field and preference
4. Discuss options with you’re the IPB internship advisor
David Whippy Email: david.whippy@byuh.edu Phone: (808) 675-3381 Office: McKay Foyer
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Internship Steps for Students
Internship Steps for Students
Prior to the Internship
1. Find an internship. IPB faculty can help with this but the emphasis is on the student finding an internship covers areas of peacebuilding that they are interested in, provide practical fieldwork experience and could lead to employment.
2. Once an internship is found, apply for the internship approval to the IPB Internship Advisor.
3. On an approval, the student is required to procure 1. an official Internship Offer letter from the Experience Provider and a 2. A signed MOU from the Experience Provider
4. Start the Handshake process with the Faculty Internship Coordinator
During the Internship
1. You are required to submit internship progress reports
After the Internship
1. The Experience Provider will submit an evaluation of your performance
2. You will submit a self-evaluation form on your experience
3. Your will submit a 5-6-page refection paper on your internship experience.
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Internship Reflection Paper
Internship Reflection Paper:
Write a 5-6-page reflection paper explaining how this internship experience benefited from what you learned (what theories went into actual practice during the internship, what observations you had on the job illustrate the materials or theories (ANTH, IPB, etc.) in the classroom? How the internship helped you decide what your career path might be, and any other benefits you gain from this experience. This is a critical reflection paper, not a description only of what the job tasks were. This paper is due within one month of your return from the internship to receive a passing grade.
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Other important Information
Other important Information
For students leaving the US, flight funding may be available. Contact the BYU- Hawaii Alumni and Career Services for more info.
If students do their internship while not taking other classes, half tuition is still required.
For students leaving the US, Student Medical Benefit will not cover you. Make sure you arrange other forms of insurance.
After speaking to your professor, please schedule an appointment with Lisa Faonelua.
Lisa Faonelua Email: lisa.faonelua@byuh.edu Office: MFB 211 Phone: (808) 675-3665