Levels -- intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational and international. It is heavily interdisciplinary drawing on traditions such as psychology, economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, religious studies, history, etc. It also explores a variety of techniques that go beyond management of conflict toward sustainable resolution and transformation. Lately, the world peacebuilding has taken on a more prominent role in describing these programs.
George Mason University* - M.A. & PhD., Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution (ICAR)
University Notre Dame - The Joan Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution and International Peace Studies
University of San Diego* - MA in Peace and Justice Studies
Georgetown University* - MA in Conflict Resolution
Columbia University - MA in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
University of Oregon* - MA in Conflict Resolution
Eastern Mennonite U.* - M.A. Conflict Transformation
Brandeis University* - MA in Coexistence and Conflict
University of Wisconsin - MA in Sustainable Peacebuilding
University of Denver* - MA in Conflict Resolution
Creighton University* - MA in Justice and Peace Studies
American University - MA in International Peace and Conflict Resolution
Portland State U.* - MA in Conflict Resolution
Antioch University - MA in Conflict Resolution
Southern Methodist University (Texas) - MA in Dispute Resolution
Syracuse University - Certificate of Advanced Study in Conflict Resolution
Emory University - Development Practice
University of Hawaii* - Political Science, spec. in Conflict Resolution
University N. Carolina - School of Government, Public Dispute Resolution Program
University of N. Carolina – Greensboro - MA in Conflict Studies and Dispute Resolution
Duquesne University - MA in Conflict Resolution
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Peace Studies
Peace studies is an academic field which identifies and analyzes the violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms attending social conflicts with a view towards understanding those processes, which lead to a more desirable human condition. It typically focuses on managing conflict between large groups. It is usually an interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and management of conflicts, in contrast to war studies, which has as its aim the efficient attainment of victory in conflicts. Disciplines involved usually rely heavily on political science and international relations.
Stanford University* - MA in Peace Studies
Georgetown* - MA and PhD in Security Studies or PhD in Diplomacy
UC-Berkley* - MA Peace and Conflict Studies
UC-San Diego* - MA Peace Studies
Tufts University* - MA in Law & Diplomacy
Cornell University - MA in Peace Studies and International Development
Columbia University - MA in International Affairs
Duke University - Masters of International Development Policy with concentration in Peace and Conflict Studies
Johns Hopkins U. - MA in Conflict Management
UC Davis - MA in War & Peace Studies
George Washington - MA Internationalist Program in the Peace Corp
St. John’s University - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
University of Utah* - Graduate Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies
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ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
While multiple definitions of ADR abound, in essence, ADR is an alternative to the adversarial process that dominates litigation in the U.S. courts and justice systems. ADR uses such techniques as arbitration, mediation and negotiation in an attempt to resolve disputes. In other words, ADR is a non-coercive alternative to the legal system that uses third parties interveners. For many, it was seen as a more humane version of the U.S. legal system.
Harvard University - MA in Negotiation
Tuft’s Fletcher School of Diplomacy* - MA in Law and Diplomacy
Pepperdine University * - School of Public Policy, Joint MA of Dispute Resol. & Public Policy
Marquette University - MA in Dispute Resolution
University of Missouri - School of Law, LLM in Dispute Resolution
Ohio State University - International Studies program, Spec. Peace Studies
University Massachusetts. - MA Program in Dispute Resolution
Rutgers U. - Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Creighton University* - M.A. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
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International Schools
Typically, these schools are Peace Studies schools … though there are a few exceptions
University for Peace (Costa Rica)* - MA in Peace Education, MA in Media, Conflict and Peace Studies, MA in Gender and Peacebuilding, MA in International Peace Studies; MA in Natural Resources and Peace
University of Otaga (New Zealand)* - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
University of Queensland (Australia)* - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
Tel Aviv University (Israel)* - MA in Conflict Resolution and Mediation
London School of Economics (England)* - MA and PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies
Trinity College (Ireland)* - PhD in Reconciliation Studies
University of Bradford (England)* - MA and PhD in Peace Studies
University of Kent at Canterbury (England)* - MA and PhD in International Conflict Analysis
University of Ulster (Northern Ireland)* - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
Bancaja International Centre for Peace and Development (Spain) - MA in Peace and Development Studies
Bar Ilan University (Israel) - MA in Conflict Resolution
City University of Hong Kong - MA in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
Coventry University (England) - MA in Peace and Reconciliation Studies
Kings College -- Department of War Studies (England) - MA in International Conflict Studies
European University (Austria) - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
Göteborg University (Sweden) - MA in Peace Studies
Hebrew University (Israel) - MA in Conflict Resolution
Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) - MA and PhD inPeace and Security Studies
Kyung Hee University (Korea) - Graduate Institute of Peace Studies
Lancaster University (England) - MA in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies
Landegg International University (Switzerland) - MA in Conflict Resolution
Mindanao State University (Philippines) - MS in Peace and Security Studies
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan) - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
University of London (England) - MA in Violence, Conflict and Development
University of Natal (South Africa)* - MA and PhD in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies
University of Sydney (Australia) - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
University of Western Cape (South Africa) - MA in Conflict Studies
Uppsala University (Sweden)* - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
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Online Schools
A range of schools here, but all programs are 100 percent online or require short residencies
George Mason (SCAR) - MS in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
University of Peace - MA in Sustainable Peace
University of North Carolina Greensboro* - MA in Peace and Conflict Studies
Cal State University – Dominguez Hills - MA in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
Creighton University* - M.A. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
University of Denver - MA Alternative Dispute Resolution
Abiliene Christian University - MA in Conflict Resolution
Dominican University - MA in Conflict Resolution
University of the Rockies - MA in Mediation and Conflict Resolution
GPA: It’s a big deal, but not as big of a deal as you think
Your Personal Essay: The Big Picture Specificity Creativity - Narrative
Letters of Recommendation: Ask whether recommender can give you a stellar recommendation Prepare a packet of personal and school information, envelopes, forms, etc. Give recommenders plenty of time
Extra-Curricular Activities: Pick ones relevant to your field of study
Work Experience: Again experience relevant to your field of study helps
Publications: Publishing or presentation of a paper at a student conference
Picking the Right School: Costs, location, specialization, aspirations